Jools j
JoinedTopics Started by Jools j
Silent Witnesses — Australia
by Jools j inif this has already been posted, sorry!.
By Popular Demand..THE Bunny Pic....
by Englishman inthis blurred old pic was taken in 1974.. .
that's me with her ladyship.
i was a skinny 20 - something, already df'd for several years.
Superman's quote 'bout JW's
by orphanannie in
"there are religious groups -- the jehovah's witness, i believe -- who think it's a sin to have a blood transfusion.
well, what if the president for some reason decided to listen to them, instead of to the catholics, which is the group he really listens to in making his decisions about embryonic stem cell research?
by zev ingwen and i went on a mission .
going in as a couple of "interested ones"...into a kh that i was reasonably sure i wouldn't be recongnized as the "uadna-ri" i went in with a hidden wire and tape recorder to get the "evidence".
on this site you will find links to 4 audio files... the first two are "the part", and the other two files are an audio clip of the "love bombing" attack we got when we left the first meeting, and the reading of a letter to "all congregations" concerning the discontinuation of subscriptions.. as with all jw things, it is interesting to hear the comments made by the speaker, things not written in the km, and views, attitudes, and references made when speaking of how to treat disfellowshipped family members.. all in all, i am glad we went on this misssion.
Mod's & Simon: Here is my SOLUTION!
by Mindchild inthe two poignant issues hotly debated on this board involve both banning posters who transgress established guidelines and the issue of using moderators to delete offensive posts.
there have been several reasonable points made on both sides of these issues and i think it fair to say that unless we come up with some creative thinking to offer some new alternatives that no matter what simon does he is going to have some people who are either happy or unhappy with the course of action he chooses.
indeed, the present controversies are fast becoming volatile emotional issues.. .
boy gets 240 lashes for having sex with camel
by seawolf in
the teenager confessed before the court that he intended to have sex with the camel.
ghaith said the lashes will be administered in six installments of 40 lashes each with an interval of seven days.. .
CJD transfusion risk 'underestimated'
by Jools j in .
just read this sorry if it's already been posted.. could this be used by those with power within the jws to cite against blood transfusions?
by Prisila ini really need your feedback .
i am really down on the dumps regarding being shunned and torn apart about da (i haven't yet).
a week ago i wrote to dr. phil on oprah and wrote briefly about jw practices on shunning.
First human embreyo cloned
by OUTLAW inthe first human embreyo has been was just on cnn...outlaw
Jesus A WOMAN?
by ballistic inwas jesus a woman?.
recently, at a theological meeting in rome, scholars had a heated debate on.
this subject.